My name is Meredith Plummer and I am an accidental Director of Religious Education (DRE). You may be wondering what that means, exactly, "How can anyone be an accidental religious educator?"
Well, I will tell you that I came to this profession with the hopes that I would only be a DRE for a year or two, and then move on to my 'real' calling - teaching. However, it hasn't quite worked out like that. I'm 5 years in, and it doesn't look like I'll be departing anytime soon. Through every twist and turn my life has taken, the universe has made one thing clear, this is where I need to be.
What's more - I have become quite passionate about this work. And, that has inspired my creativity. Now, I hope to share that creativity with you.
I hope you will join me and find yourself inspired too!
May the energy of creativity guide you,
Meredith!! Welcome to the blogisphere! So glad to see you up and publishing. Very interested in your journey!