Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pinterest Pick Thursday

You may not realize it, with all of your last minute Halloween preparations, but November will be here in 2 days.  How will you be commemorating this month of gratitude?

This picture contains a white quote on a back
background.  The quote reads 'When life is sweet,
say thank you and celebrate, when life is bitter,
say thank you and grow. -'

Two years ago, Michelle Richards, author of Tending the Flame: The Art of UU Parenting, wrote an article for the UUWorld about gratitude, and how we might go about instilling this important value in our children.  Richards suggested, of course, that it all begins with modeling gratitude ourselves.

So, with that, this week's pinterest pick is all about gratitude...

Pinterest Pick of the Week
Gratitude Challenge

Faith Formation Component

Time for Activity
30 min. / day
Each day of November

Recommended Age
Preschool and Up

A Camera, Additional materials depending on your chosen activity

About two years ago, I tried to participate in the 30 days of gratitude challenge.  I believe I made it through a weeks worth of posts before I gave up.  It is not that I am ungrateful for all that I have.  It is just that after naming all of the obvious things - my family, my home, and food on the table - I couldn't really think of anything else to mention.  I guess you could say my idea well dried up.

This year, for all the reasons provided by Michelle Richards, and many more, I want to attempt the 30 days of gratitude challenge again.  But, of course, I want this year to be different.  So, to help me in my quest, I have put together a list!  Here it is...

  1. Someone I See Everyday
  2. A Gift
  3. A Friend
  4. Something Beautiful
  5. A Luxury
  6. A Need
  7. Something Big
  8. Something Small
  9. An Ability
  10. A Piece of Knowledge
  11. Something Natural
  12. Inspiring Words
  13. Inspiring Person
  14. A Difficulty / Challenge
  15. Something Old
  16. Something New
  17. A Time of Day
  18. A Physical Feature
  19. A Daily Activity
  20. A Distraction
  21. Shelter
  22. A Piece of Technology
  23. Memories
  24. An Act of Kindness
  25. Inspiration
  26. A Sound
  27. Food
  28. Comport
  29. Love
  30. Something Seasonal

The list isn't the only difference this go around either.  Instead of writing about each of these things, I plan to take and post pictures instead.  When my creative energy for writing is in short supply, I hope pictures will give me the opportunity to express my gratitude without overtaxing my brain cells.

This week - well, this month really - I invite you and your family to join me in this challenge.  Invite each member of your family to take a picture of something they are grateful for each day.  Feel free to use the list provided as a guide or for inspiration.  Then, post the pictures to your favorite social media site - Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook.  If you are a member of the First Church parenting facebook page, I encourage you to post your pictures there.

If you do not use social media, or if you want to focus more on your family, there are plenty of ways to bring this activity home.  In the Michelle Richards piece mentioned above, Richards suggests creating a paper chain at the beginning of the month - a count down until the end of the month - and that each day, as you cut off a link of the chain, mindfully express gratitude for someone or something that holds meaning to you.  On the flip side, Salt and Pepper Moms suggest creating a paper chain throughout the month.  You can download their thankful strips by following the link above.

This picture from Salt N Pepper Moms shows a 'Thankful
Thanksgiving Chain' and several unused thankful strips.
Or, you can create a 'Thankful Tree' like the one detailed by Bargain Bound.

Bargain Bound's Thankful tree starts off as a bare
 paper tree, and as the month progresses, 'fall' leaves
 with thankful sayings are added to the tree.
Or, bring social media home by creating your own 'Instagram wall' using the step-by-step guide on Gimmie Some Oven.

This DIY 'Instagram Wall' is from Gimmie some
Oven, and shows many small pictures in small
white frames, arranged in a grid.
Some questions to explore yourself are...

  1. What are the advantage of living with 'an attitude of gratitude'?
  2. How difficult is it?
  3. What are some ways you can incorporate gratitude into your daily life?

Original Sources
The gratitude list was compiled using lists from The Middle Places, Positively Present, and Media Cache Ec0.  All other links cited above.

Don't forget, this Sunday is Daylights Savings.  Set your clocks back one hour and enjoy the extra hour of sleep!

- Ms. Meredith

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